Simple Tips for Keeping More Gas Money in Your Pocket

Advanced Transmission • 20 September 2022

As gas prices remain at high levels, it's all the more worthwhile to take some gas-saving measures. At Advanced Transmission Rebuilding, our local mechanics can complete maintenance tasks that will help your vehicle get the best gas mileage possible. And during your daily driving routine, there are some other measures you can take to minimize fuel waste.

Tips for Improving Fuel-Efficiency

An easy way to help optimize gas mileage is to always drive with correct tire pressure. You'll want to check the pressure speficifications for your tires and then inflate as required. If your tires are underinflated, then your engine will have to exert more power to get the soft rubber to roll. In turn, gas mileage can dip. Also, you'll want to make sure you're not driving with a bunch of unnecessary weight in your vehicle. Gas mileage can decrease by 1% for every extra 100 pounds in the car. Another simple precaution is to make sure that you return your gas cap to a secure position after every time you fill up your tank. If your gas cap is loose or missing, then fuel could evaporate before you get the opportunity to use it.

It's also a good idea to get to the shop for regular maintenance tasks that can help to optimize fuel-efficiency. Air filters should be replaced about every 13,000 miles so that the proper amount of air can reach the combustion chamber, which will prevent the engine from burning additional gas to compensate for a lack of air. Fuel filters should be changed out every 20,000 to 30,000 miles so that pollutants don't hurt gas mileage and engine performance. Basic maintenance tasks like oil changes and spark plug replacement can also help with getting the most MPGs. possible.

Auto Maintenance in Kingman, AZ

If you need auto maintenance in Kingman and the surrounding area, contact Advanced Transmission Rebuilding. At our local auto shop, we can complete any type of repair or maintenance that your vehicle needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!

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