Auto Maintenance in Kingman, AZ and the Surrounding Areas

Your best bet for avoiding breakdowns and other serious car trouble is by providing your vehicle with the scheduled auto maintenance it needs to remain in top notch condition. All cars and trucks require certain services throughout their lifetime at various mileage markers to ensure they continue to run properly. At Advanced Transmission,  we are happy to complete these services just as the dealership would, ensuring your car remains reliable mile after mile. Our team would be happy to answer any questions you may have about preventative maintenance services or provide you with an accurate estimate for the cost of auto maintenance in Kingman.

  • Factory Car Services
  • Foreign & Domestic
  • Oil Change & Filter Replacement
  • Lights, Wipers & Battery
  • 30/60/90K Maintenance
  • Tune Up & Fluid Top Offs
  • Fluid Flush Services
  • Belts & Hoses

30/60/90K Service

General auto maintenance is often referred to as 30/60/90K maintenance because it is required every 30,000 miles for most vehicles. During these automotive checkups, your vehicle may undergo a variety of services based on its specific needs. This may include computer diagnostics, fluid fop offs, filter changes, safety inspections and more. As a dealership alternative, we can complete these appointments for your car while ensuring its existing warranty remains valid.

Full Service Oil Change

The most common service that your vehicle will need is an oil change. For most vehicles, this is necessary every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, while some can go longer. Our local lube shop can conduct a conventional, synthetic blend or full synthetic oil change using high quality engine oil. Each service includes a multipoint inspection that allows our techs to identify any impending trouble so you can make informed decisions regarding your vehicle's needs. Our fast oil change prices are affordable, ensuring you don't break the bank caring for your ride.

Automotive Fluid Flush Services

Your vehicle uses a number of fluids to operate its various systems. From time to time, these fluids need to be drained and refilled, as they can become contaminated with dirt or debris from the vehicle. This is known as a fluid flush. Our nearby auto shop can complete a brake fluid flush, transmission flush, coolant flush, differential flush or power steering flush for your car, truck or SUV.

Belts & Hoses

The rubber belts and hoses utilized by your vehicle's engine operate under extreme stress. As the miles add up, they'll wear down, which increases the chances of problems under the hood. We can conduct any belt and hose replacement, including serpentine belt repair, radiator hose repair or timing belt replacement. If you're unsure when your vehicle requires these services, our technicians would be happy to provide you with that information so your car never misses an important service appointment.

Engine Tune Up

If your vehicle isn't running quite right, it could mean that it is time for a car tune up. This service generally entails conducting a variety of minor maintenance tasks that can be done relatively quickly and affordably, but will help restore your car's driveability and performance. These services may include spark plug and spark plug wire replacement, air filter replacement, fuel filter replacement or battery services. The cost of a tune up generally beats the cost of not doing one, in terms of future repairs and increased fuel consumption costs.

Tire Sales & Services

Advanced Transmission offers tire sales in Kiingman for all types of vehicles. We can also conduct a number of tire repair services as well. Tires require good tread and to promote control and safety. If you have tire concerns due to cracking tread, loss of air in tire, the TPMS light coming on or otherwise, visit our local tire shop for expert services.

Never put off auto maintenance! Your car depends on it to remain reliable and safe to operate. To learn more about these vital appointments or to schedule professional auto maintenance in Kingman, please give Advanced Transmission a call at (928) 227-4173 and we will be happy to set up an appointment. Our mechanics are always happy to answer questions about services or provide you with additional information so that you can feel good about the choices you make regarding your vehicle's needs.

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