3518 Benton St. Kingman, AZ 86409 | Monday-Friday 8am-5pm |
(928) 227-4173
A healthy suspension serves a critical role in enabling your car to handle safely. If you notice a sign of suspension trouble, you’ll want to visit the shop ASAP for an inspection. At Advanced Transmission, our local mechanics provide expert suspension repair in the greater Kingman, AZ area. We’ll make sure that your vehicle is able to provide smooth handling.
Common Symptoms of Suspension Trouble
A classic sign of a bad suspension is that your car starts excessively bouncing when you drive over rough patches of road. And if you hear clunking noises when you hit bumps, then you’ve got evidence of a failing spring. Another symptom of a bad spring is that your vehicle sits lower in the affected corner.
In some cases, symptoms of suspension failure arise during the braking process. If your suspension is in rough shape, then it may feel like your vehicle is nose-diving while braking. And with a faulty suspension, it could take noticeably longer to arrive at a complete stop when trying to bring your car to a stop.
There’s also a quick test you can do that will help you get a better sense of whether your suspension is in rough condition. First, make sure your car is securely parked on level ground. Then go to the front end, press down hard on it, rock it twice, and let go. Next, go to the rear end and repeat this process. Upon releasing, your car shouldn’t rock more than three times on its own. But if it does, then your suspension may be in poor shape.
You’ll want to keep an eye out for a couple of other common signs of suspension failure. If you can see that oil is leaking out onto your shocks, then replacement will probably be necessary. And if your suspension is in bad shape, then it may feel like your vehicle is drifting/swaying when you go around corners.
Suspension Repair in Kingman, AZ
When you need auto repair in Kingman, AZ and the surrounding area, contact Advanced Transmission Rebuilding at (928) 227-4173. At our local auto shop, we can expertly address your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
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About Us
Our team of technicians are highly skilled and are ATSG certified, ATRA certified, and AAMCO certified. Our modern facilities feature the latest diagnostic and repair equipment to ensure fast and effective service, no matter what your car needs.